The enrichments used on the admin dashboard cards are designed to flag/categorize events, you can build filters based on the presence (or absence) of enrichments
and can see at a glance which events have which flags without needing to expand each one, it's therefore important to know what each of these icons mean to make the most
of the system.
Applicable to all events:
Flagged as bad
the event has been flagged as a "Bad" enquiry, this flag can be removed using the "Mark as Good" menu option (with appropriate permissions).
Flagged as duplicate
the event has been flagged as a "Bad" enquiry on the basis that it duplicates an existing enquiry.
Quote download
this event has created a matching client quotation in your back office database, linked to the created/matched prospect/client.
Adviser assigned
the event has been assigned to a specific adviser to take further. The assigned adviser will be noted in the expanded card.
the client has been phoned using the click-to-dial phone number captured on the event card.
Note added
a note has been entered for the event, this icon is only visible on the collapsed card, when expanded the entered notes text will be displayed instead.
Tag added
a tag has been entered for the event, this icon is only visible on the collapsed card, when expanded the entered tags will be displayed instead.
Notification added
a notification has been entered for the event, this icon is only visible on the collapsed card, when expanded the entered notifications will be displayed instead.
EDI message delivered to FTP/Email
an EDI message was succesfully delivered to the FTP/Email drop location as defined in the system/insurer EDI definition.
EDI message delivered to SQS
an EDI message was succesfully delivered to the AWS Simple Queue Service as defined in the system/insurer EDI definition.
Applicable to new business only:
Quote email sent
a quotation was emailed to the client.
Prospect created
this event has created a matching prospect address record in your back office prospecting database.
Client created
this event has created a matching client address record in your back office client database (or has moved the previously created prospect where present).
Added TopX
TopX information for this quotation has been received from the calling aggregator to note position within results, cheapest price & cheapest insurer.
Purchase halted
used in combination with the Prevent takeup without adviser logon option, this enrichment indicates the client has attempted a takeup of the policy.
Sanctions Search - potential match found
the sanction search lookup found a potential match on the sanctions list, you will need to review and act on this appropriately.
Sanctions Search - failed
the sanction search lookup resulted in an error, details of which should be available on the event card, you will need to perform a manual sanction search as necessary.
Applicable to business referred to the underwriter: More information on the underwriter referral system can be found here.
Referred to underwriter
the referred quote has been sent to the underwriter for approval. Will have an associated note with information presented to the underwriter.
Underwriter rejected (more info required)
the underwriter rejected the referral on the grounds that further information is required.
Underwriter accepted
the underwriter approved the referral and the quotation can now be purchased.
Underwriter declined
the underwriter declined the quotation without an option to resubmit with further info.
Referall cancelled
the referral was cancelled by the adviser, for example if a duplicate quote was purchased or an alternative insurer was able to quote.
Applicable to renewals:
Invite sent/SMS Invite sent
the renewal invite has been sent to the client via SMS/Email as defined in your renewal settings. Multiple enrichments mean the invite was sent multiple times.
Flagged as lapsed (do not renew)
the renewal invite has been set to lapse at current policy duration expiry. No further reminders or invites will be sent by automated methods when this flag is present.
See the related article below for more information on renewal lapsing.
Renewal reminder(s) sent
a renewal reminder was sent for this renewal event, details of the template(s) sent will be captured in the notes
See the related article below for more information on sending automated renewal reminders.
Renewal reminder(s) failed
the renewal reminder failed, a note will be present explaing which template(s) failed along with failure reasons.
Applicable to cancellations:
Cancellation reason changed
the reason for this cancellation was changed from the original captured reason.
Automatic refund failure (applicable to MTAs too)
an attempt was made to automatically refund the partial payment to the client using the original payment method but the call has failed. Futher info is presented as a note, the partial refund will need to be processed manually.
When a reminder is successful (either fully or partially) an Enrichment and Note is added to the policy card in the admin
dashboard and the reminder will not be re-triggered if you re-run the batch.