Once the appropriate profiles have been setup, the process to refer a quote to the underwriter should be quite intuitive, simply click REFER TO UNDERWRITER to start the process.
You will be shown a modal containing a free-format text box. Please use this space to pass any relevant notes to the underwriter and click REFER to send the request. A message will confirm the referral has been requested and the screen will automatically reload.
The Referral History section will provide any correspondence relating to the referral and present you with the option to CANCEL the referral before the underwriter responds. Any response from the underwriter will also be shown in this section.
Once a referral has been requested the question set will be locked until the referral reaches an outcome. If the insurer REJECTs your request the question set is automatically unlocked to allow you to enter the information requested by the underwriter. If you need to edit a quotation before the underwriter responds you need to CANCEL the referral. You can then re-refer should you wish, but the underwriter cannot respond to cancelled referrals.
The message displayed above can be configured via the Quote Setup -> Refers to underwriter -> Locked referral notice setting.
The underwriter has 3 available responses:
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