The referral system in CFS allows underwriters to directly access referred quotes and approve/decline as appropriate to allow takeup. The basic premise of the referral system is the ability to request approval and the ability to respond to those requests.
These actions would typically be divided into 2 roles:
This guide will walk you through setting up a basic profile for each role.
The adviser will be the person who provides advice-based sales or processes offline sales via the CFS quote & buy system, it's likely you will already have a role defined for advisers so we'll focus just on the things required to refer quotations.
The 3 main permissions needed for advisers are found in the Quotes profile settings:
The underwriter will be the person/people who have permission to approve referred quotes, this may be an individual within the insurance company or an adviser with delegated authority within your own company.
In order for the underwriter to be able to see a list of quotes requiring attention you should enable the Dashboard (Admin) module as a minimum. The related guide for underwriters gives a brief overview of how to use the admin dashboard to create filters based on referral stages.
You also need to enable 2 main permissions found in the Quotes profile settings:
Depending on the individual system / agreement the underwriter profile may also need the ability to apply premium overrides (see: Using premium override controls) and add endorsements (see: Using endorsement with optional overrides). Related guides on how to use and setup these features can be found below.
If you enter an email address for the underwriter within the Quote Setup -> Refers to underwriter -> Underwriter contact email setting they will automatically receive an email notification when a referral is requested. This means they are able to response to requests quicker without the need to keep CFS open.
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